Friday 19 November 2021


 Posts /tasks that can be done by one member of the Production Team and shared:

  1. Mind map
  2. The actual treatment (but don't just copy / paste the post)
  3. Location recces (with photos)
  4. Storyboard (can be shared)
  5. Shot list (can be shared)
  6. Call sheets (one for every shoot)
  7. Risk assessment
  8. BBFC certificate

Posts / Tasks best done individually:

  1. Casting (post with paired images)
  2. Accounts of filming (reflective, with 'on the set' shots; challenges, what went well / badly)
  3. Props that you have made yourself
  4. Your own Production Company logo (films often have co-productions)
  5. Pinterest boards on the social groups and social issues in your film 


To show the development of your Foundation Production, you publish PLANNING posts. Put the word PLANNING in caps before each of the following:

AUDIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE Consult this blog post

TREATMENT Examples here

MY TARGET AUDIENCE example of a post here,  here and here 

CHARACTERS The exam board ask us to consider social groups and stereotypes. Examples of this are in this post here, this post and here

LOCATION RECCE with photos like this

RISK ASSESSMENT Once you know exactly what you are doing, assess the risks in a Word Document like this one here

CASTING Note Examiner's report here Examples here in Canvahere in Piktocharthere in Slideshare

PROPS Present this as you see fit, such as like this. If you have to construct props

STORYBOARD Examples here  and here

SHOT LIST Example here and here


CERTIFICATE Example here

AUDIENCE Theory SlideShare like this 

SOCIAL GROUPS - images collected in Pinterest boards, labelled and groups: How does your film opening represent social groups or issues? Find images (= representations) and collate them in different Pinterest boards like this.

    • First identify the social groups featured and present them visually (in Pinterest). Roles and jobs?
    • The focus is on how they are represented: stereotypes? anti-stereotypes? What are they like? Gender, status, age? 
    • Identify the issues in your film opening: recent 'issues' have included artificial intelligence, people smuggling, bullying, kidnapping, art theft, online fraud. How are they presented in your production?


    CONSTRUCTION: SHOOTS Great fun to report on your shoots (and later on your edits), explaining the challenges

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