Component 2: Media texts and contexts
Cambridge International AS & A Level Media Studies 9607 syllabus for 2021, 2022 and 2023. Details of the assessment
Written paper, 2 hours, 50 marks
This is an externally assessed written component which covers two areas: -
Section A: Media texts
Section B: Media contexts
In Section A, candidates analyse a moving image extract in terms of technical codes and representation. In Section B, candidates answer one from a choice of two questions exploring audiences and institutions.
The examination is two hours long (including 30 minutes for watching and making notes on the moving image extract and 45 minutes writing time for each question) and candidates are required to answer two questions. The unit is marked out of a total of 50 marks, with each question marked out of 25 marks.
Candidates should be familiar with the content described in the Skills and understanding common to all areas of study section, and with the content described in the AS Level subject content section. They will need to support their responses with detailed reference to a range of contemporary media texts, in the form of a series of case studies.
This component assesses the following Assessment objectives (AOs):
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately.
AO2: Analyse media products, and evaluate their own work, by applying knowledge and understanding of theoretical and creative approaches, supported with relevant textual evidence.
Section A: Media texts (25 marks)
The moving image extract will be provided by Cambridge International in DVD format, with full instructions for the administration of the examination, viewing conditions and note-taking time.
The extract will be from a TV drama and will last for a maximum of five minutes. It will be played four times. The screening time will last a total of 30 minutes, including note-taking. Centres need to consider the optimum conditions for screening the extract, so that no candidates are disadvantaged.
Candidates must analyse the text to establish how meaning is created. Therefore, candidates must be aware of how the technical aspects of media language, and the conventions of the moving image medium, are used to create meaning, both explicitly and implicitly. Candidates must be able to analyse an unseen media text, using technical terms, to explain how specific meaning, including representations of individuals/groups/events/places, has been created. Candidates must be familiar with the technical elements in the subject content.
It is acknowledged that not every one of the technical areas will feature in equal measure in any given extract and other areas may also be credited where appropriate; examiners are instructed to consider this when marking the candidates’ answers. We do not expect each aspect to be covered in the same degree of detail, but as appropriate to the genre and extract provided and to the discussion of the extract’s representation.
Section B: Media contexts (25 marks)
Candidates answer one question from a choice of two. Candidates must make reference to at least one case study in their answer.
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