Sunday, 16 September 2018


Today's textual analysis for TV drama is actually a film extract, but the skills are the same.
Find SELF/LESS on Netflix and analyse the opening. We start in class to practise the skills together then you complete for prep and email it to me. 

The characters are Damian Hale (a dying tycoon)
Martin (Hale's right hand man and friend)
Baldwin (the young man summoned to the restaurant; he has insulted Hale)

Section A: Textual analysis and representation (50 marks) Candidates answer one question based on an unseen moving image extract.

1 Analyse how the extract from SELF/LESS constructs meaning, including the specific representations of individuals/groups/events/places, through the following technical elements:
• camera shots, angles, movement and composition
• sound
• mise-en-scène
• editing.
Use of terminology: 10 marks …………………………../10
Use of supporting examples: 20 marks………………/20
Explanation / argument / analysis: 20 marks……….../20
Total /50

In point: start of film

Out point: the end of the lunch