Wednesday 1 and 2 starts 8.35 ends 10.05 TV DRAMA
Thursday 6 and 7 starts 2.10 ends 3.45 FOUNDATION PRODUCTION
Friday 4 and 5 starts 11.20 ends 12.55 FILM INDUSTRY
We aim to spend roughly half our class time on coursework and exam preparation
- Component 1 Foundation Production (research, planning, construction and evaluation)
- Component 2 Key Media Concepts (TV drama and the film industry)
Today we will have an introductory lesson with some time looking at the film industry.
One of our case studies is Captain Marvell; see how it is marketed and what is meant by 'convergent links'
We screen the new James Bond trailer No Time To Die
What are the different elements of a trailer and how does it attract and address audiences?
Film language and its terminology.