Present your response in Emaze with illustrations. The 'page turning' technology of YuDu may no longer be available free.
- research the genre, specific genre codes
- suspense, enigma, tension, thrill: function of film opening to hook audience, not reveal all
- realism, props, costumes, setting, lighting
- the role of visual codes
- tripod; hand-held "When making the prelim, I learned how to bubble the tripod..." "i used only tripod work in the prelim but for my Foundation Production I had the freedom to use hand-held..GoPro..."
- ellipsis in narrative; motivated edits
- Key characters should be prominent in the first and last shots in a sequence to signal their importance.
- camera angles serve different specific functions
- continuity editing using iMovie or FinalCutPro; "The prelim required only shot reverse shot, but in my film opening, I..."
- Adobe After Effects
- PhotoShop stills pulled in
- iStopMotion to make your production company ident
- function of sound
- 180 degree rule "In my prelim, I learned to observe the 180 degree rule...In my film opening, I practised using this by..."
- titles
- organization of cast, equipment; planning tools like shot lists and call sheets
- you went to the BFI study day on UK Cinema: Audiences and Institutions. Did anything there help you to think about your film making?