Getting to know our case studies:
Our case study is Disney one of The Big Six.
- Disney is a good example of the 'megafranchize' model.
- The Big Six Hollywood studios chase mass mainstream audiences often with formulaic films that Linden Dalecki (2008) calls 'the 4S megafranchise model' synergy, story, spectacle, sequalization: Hollywood is renowned
for producing blockbusters with strong narratives, often part of a
sequel, usually with larger than life characters, using exciting,
complex sets often in exotic or extravagant locations.
- Disney operates the horizontal distribution model.
Distributors target audiences via an interconnected web of companies which all promote the
film as a package of products. This is synergy (Give as many details as possible from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
- and our Case study Avengers and perhaps from Disney's Frozen).
Cinema audiences engage with characters and stories (generally more
so, today, than ‘stars’), so properties, especially those with the potential
to develop as franchises, are all-important. Most of 2016's top releases
were part of pre-existing franchises or familiar media properties.
- The Film Distributors' Association 2017 handbook lists Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) as the no. 1 box office success of 2016. Learn the facts about its successful production and distribution.
- Did you see the film? Identify why you would choose to see the film at the cinema (not online).
You work under timed conditions to analyse the first 5 minutes of the US TV drama Breaking Bad.
You complete the task at home (timing yourself) and email me the work by Friday 10 November.