Thursday 16 September 2021


Lesson starter (5 minutes):

Tidy the MediaMac that you are working on - you need a folder with your name and you put all your stuff inside (not on the desktop).

Complete the ComicLife presentation of camera angles and shot types.

Include: title, your name.

Airdrop it to yourself. (In your own time, post it on your media blog under the PAGE called PRELIMINARY EXERCISES) "This week I have learned to use a new presentation platform and used it to present my understanding about how camera angles and shot types function. I based my research on Daniel Chandler's work The Language of Television and Film."

Main lesson: 

Introduction to Photoshop to make a simple production company logo. A4 landscape; colour or black and white; a name that packs punch / has a personal relevance / makes it clear that the company makes films - Sharpe Studios, Hill Films, Silverscreen Productions, Darklight Studios, Winterwood Cinema, Illusion Pictures....


Second lesson: 

Introduction to Component 1 TV drama.



3.1 Implementing the plan The production plan should draw on the research stage and should evidence decision-making based on media techniques, codes and conventions that have been identified. Some of your more able learners may attempt to challenge the conventions. However, if they do attempt this, they must justify and document it in both their blog, and their creative critical reflection work. 

Learners working on Option 1: Film opening task, should be encouraged to draw up a range of planning materials to demonstrate the development of the production. The example below is a useful way to encourage learners to avoid a narrative approach and engage with the media strategies required at this level.