On the Film Distributors' Association site, you watch the presentation by Kezia Williams and Chris Besseling of theatrical distribution at Pathe, on how distributors work to create a successful marketing campaign for each film. You investigate the different aspects of a marketing campaign for a specific recent film, such as
- film website
- film posters
- film trailers
- FB
- Instagram
- Twitter
- cross promotion / product tie-ins (like Heineken and James Bond in SkyFall and Spectre, Toyota and Star Wars
- news articles, interviews, award ceremonies
PREP You make a one-page collage showing all these elements together. Post this on your blog under the title RESEARCH: FILM MARKETING. When you pick your visuals, remember why the distributor created these particular marketing strategies, by looking at the bullet points below.
Later, your next prep task will be to write about it. If you want to get ahead, here is the task:
Introduce the post, using the sentence at the top of this post (or something similar).
Explain that a distributor identifies key strengths or 'hooks' in a film as selling points, such as
- its genre, such as biopic, literary adaptation, sequel
- its special effects
- its cast, director
- awards or reviews
Below are examples of how Yesterday was marketed. Collect your marketing materials before starting your collage.