Friday, 4 December 2020


Write a post entitled PLANNING: CASTING

CASTING Note Examiner's report here Examples below and here in Piktocharthere in Slideshare

In your post, first draw a portrait (write / describe) of each character in your production. Then, underneath each of these, describe your casting decisions. Consider what presentational platform to use: Visme, Canva, SlideShare?

The recent release of the Examiner's Report threw up useful points, such as the good practice of including a post on casting. See their comment (in yellow) below beside an example from a student blog. You will present the casting with images, such as your casting of the character (and perhaps a stereotype character from a film?).


When you have completed your post on your Treatment and worked out your storyboard, the next step is to create a shot list, then call sheets for each shoot. (Info on call sheets below this.) 

shot list helps you organize the order of your edit, so that you think of the whole narrative arc. 
Start a draft version. It may change during the edit. 
This is a group task so work together on one Word document. Some people find a collaborative document like Google Docs useful so that you can all access the same document.
Below is an example, made in Word, for the start of a 30 second TV commercial (open link) made for Young Enterprise.

Look at each line from left to right across. The first box SOUND: LOVE HOME BAKING? describes what we hear (such as dialogue, music), the second box VISION is what we see at the same time (live action), the third box ACTORS notes the actors needed, then look to the right for the props PROPS.

Then drop down to read the next shot.