Sunday 4 October 2020


PREP Analyse the opening scene of Ricky Gervais' Extras episode featuring Orlando Bloom. (Season 2, Episode 1 Orlando Bloom14 Sep. 2006). 

Tackle your analysis in the order of the scenes, starting where we stopped analysing in class and working your way forwards. 

You don't have to analyse the whole episode! The aim is to practise your skills. Aim to write between 1 and 2 sides.

Please email the prep to me by Wednesday 14th October.

Answer the question below, with detailed reference to specific examples from the extract only.

1   Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs representations using the following:
  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound 
  • Mise-en-scene [50 marks] 

To answer the examination question, you will do well if you use the structure T, E, EAA (terminology, example, explain / analyse / argue). For example:
T "A two-person mid shot of Orlando Bloom and Maggie shows Orlando leaning on the jury box rail." (This names two technical codes, in this case, camerawork)
"Mid shots let the audience see the expressions on the actors' faces; here, we see Orlando Bloom looking very smug and self-satisfied, whereas Maggie looks unimpressed as she is not smiling and trying to please, unlike the crowd of adoring autograph hunters of the previous frame who clustered around the superstar Orlando Bloom. The two-person composition draws attention to the contrasting body language of Bloom and Maggie; he is assertive and confident, intruding into her personal space, whereas she has slumped shoulders and is not trying to impress him."
E, A, A "The effect is to create comedy as Maggie does not conform to the stereotype of the female fan whilst Bloom vainly tries to impress her. She seems annoyed by his vanity and the way that the other women fawn over him. Bloom is constructed as a typical film superstar who is arrogant and over-confident, used to having the world at his feet."


What should be on your blog by now:


  • ensure that your template is black font on a white background! Pick a font that is really clear & unfussy like Arial
  • the main page should be wide to allow great images and showcase your platforms
  • the RH sidebar should be just wide enough to read the text
  • RH sidebar: search engine, class blog, friends' blogs
  • if you have your friends' blogs linked, uncheck the box that allows updates (avoids clutter)
  • layout: collage your photos / make them big
  • justify text to the left (usually) not the centre
  • over half term, add your candidate number; make your blog look like a media blog
  • edit your posts so that they look sharp: highlight key terms in a strong colour

PAGES across the top for: 








You can also add the class blog on the RH sidebar

PRELIMINARY EXERCISES Complete the preliminary exercises and post on your blog under the 'page' Preliminary Exercises' at the top. Use the media studio (empty Wednesday afternoons and many lunch breaks) or edit on your laptop. You can often film on your phone with good results. the aim is to show that you have practised.

ART OF THE TITLE (three minimum)

FILM OPENING CODES & CONVENTIONS PowerPoint uploaded as SlideShare

CONTINUITY EDITING Finished video uploaded + blog post account + photos

ON THE SET simple blog post + ideally an image or two

TABLETOP blog post account + photos (second part of filming to be completed soon). Remember to include the background research that you did - with me in class - that consisted of watching other similar work. The post should be more than just a description of your own work. 

After session 2 filming, you can edit in any live action + film title + credits + sound effects.... it should look like a real film opening by this stage.

What you have done for exam preparation:

Written TV drama analysis Coming Down The Mountain + many group lessons orally

Questions on Film Distribution in class

Questions on Film Industry: Exhibition 

What's coming next:

RESEARCH: DISTRIBUTION COLLAGE / PIKTOCHART You present the distribution strategy for one film of your choice like this one, this one  and this one.

RESEARCH: STORYTELLING - WHAT AUDIENCES WANT  You present this using ComicLife like this and this one or this one 

FILM FESTIVALS: what they are for and how they help independent film makers; Bait (dir. Mark Jenkin, 2019)