Friday 17 January 2020


CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION 1: How does your film opening represent social groups or issues?
    • First identify the social groups featured and present them visually (eg in Pinterest). Roles and jobs?
    • The focus is on how they are represented: stereotypes? anti-stereotypes? What are they like? Gender, status, age? Use any of the audience profile categories if relevant.
    • Identify the issues in your film opening: recent 'issues' have included artificial intelligence, people smuggling, bullying, kidnapping, art theft, online fraud. How are they presented in your production?

    Start this element of CCR1 for this weekend's prep.
    Post on your CCR1 PAGE (not the blog roll).
    First, place your Pinterest with your different character types, then issues.
    Below, write a bit about the use of stereotypes, anti-stereotypes and so on.
    If you also 'hot seated' or interviewed a characters add it here, with a bit of an explanation.

    Under the issues Pinterest. explain  why these issues are topical / relevant to your target audience.Explain how your film opening presents them: in a positive / negative light? Through what kind of camera work? Lighting and editing?

    NEED HELP? LOOK HERE on our blog for examples of the end result and "How to embed Pinterest'