Wednesday 9 September 2020


Starter activity: What's happened in the world of media?

Before we start analysing TV drama, look back at your analyses of film openings. What are the genre conventions? Does TV drama and traditional film have different conventions?

On Wednesdays (starts 8.35 ends 10.05 ), we work on Section A of the exam, television drama.

This week's practice exam question is based on an extract from Orange Is The New Black (2011, season 1, episode 1). It is an award-winning drama.
It is based on a memoir of a woman's experiences in prison. The series received critical acclaim and many awards and nominations including 12 Emmy nominations. On Netflix, please fast forward to the correct in point.

new home: a women's prison. She grapples with the racial dynamics of prison life and learns some of the rules.

Extract: "I wasn't Ready" 
In point: 32.50 "Seriously, shut it off!"
Piper Chapman is on the beach with her boyfriend Larry shortly before she is taken to Lichfield Penitentiary in the prison van along with other new inmates. She travels with Marollo and Watson. 
Out point: "I wasn't ready"

Exam Question below: we start practising exam technique in class, following the T, E, EAA structure. We look at several marked student examples to see how they did it.

1 Analyse how the extract from Orange Is The New Black constructs meaning, including the specific 
representations of individuals/groups/events/places, through the following technical elements:
• camera shots, angles, movement and composition
• sound
• mise-en-scène
• editing.
Use of terminology: 10 marks …………………………../10
Use of supporting examples: 20 marks………………/20
Explanation / argument / analysis: 20 marks……….../20
Total /50