Tuesday 4 January 2022


Task 1: make a single PP slide which will form part of your CCR 1 on how you will distribute your film. You should have already done this work: look in your blog for MY TARGET AUDIENCE like this one

Task 2: second image (easiest on same PP slide to ensure uniformity). 


  • For Mark Batey, a film needs to be positioned, with a clear idea of who the target audience is and how the film plays, as he explains in the presentation 'What is the film about?' Report that you have used the FDA resources to study this.
  • Offer a brief synopsis of your film and state its genre. 

  • Explain that you know how important it is to 'hook' the audience in the opening. Identify how your film hooks the audience. Use images to support.
  • What makes your film different - identify its USPs (unique selling points). Use images to support.

Task 3: third image COMP LIST You should have already done this work


First view this presentation. Complete the form, screenshot it and add it to the slide. Around the form, add images that relate to your comp list films of social media relating to the 3 films, an online film review, fleet media (side of a bus), poster, film magazine cover.... to illustrate how these comparable films were marketed by distributors


Pick from one of our slate of case studies, introduce the film and create a collage of its various marketing platforms. Pick from Black Panther, Captain Marvell, Rogue OneEmma (all materials on our blog). Example here.

OR pick from one of your own comp list and create a collage of the various marketing platforms

WRITE something such as: Hollywood 'Big Six'  studios and distributors with large budgets organize a wide variety of different marketing strategies and platforms to reach target audiences. In addition to the official film website, FB and Twitter presences which almost all films have, These showcase film posters, trailers, soundtracks, DVD and BluRay, and related merchandising. there is growing use of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok to reach younger audiences. Distributors also arrange screenings, premieres, interviews in print and on TV, merchandising tie-ins, fleet media and so on.


The BFI distributes new independent features and classic re-releases across the UK and around the world. Look at Mark Jenkin's Bait and show how its distribution was handled, which film festivals it was screened at, how it can be viewed, what its marketing materials were, its USPs etc. in a collage of the various marketing platforms. Be sure to write the sentence about the BFI.

Task 7: seventh image SELF DISTRIBUTION

First we look at the ICO site
We read the ICO advice on how to get an independent film distributed here by self distribution. In this section, we write something like this:
  • I could pitch my ideas to cinemas directly and produce my own marketing materials such as images from my film, a film synopsis, a film poster, social media, a website and a trailer with closed captions (add  images).
  • I could hire a PR company to invite the film press to write reviews
  • I would identify why my film is unique and what drives audiences to see it, following Mark Batey's guidance
Task 8: eighth image POSITIONING MY FILM each film has different material here

Think about possible links: is your film related to an upcoming event, like International Women’s Day or Black History Month? Is it related to an issue / a historical figure / a cultural trend that may garner contemporary press coverage? Does it have relevance to a particular region; can you identify particular communities who may wish to see it? ICO "How do I get my film into distribution?"

Introduce this section using the ICO guidance above. 
Links for Chain Reaction: tap into the interest in issues like the world energy crisis; World Science Day - November 10th 2022

Links for Vendetta: hang onto the coat tails of other genre related film festivals / apply for screening at them: 
FilmFreeway.com Thriller Film Festival February 11-12 2022
Thriller Suspense Fest
Cambridge Film Festival with online distribution
FrightFest 10/11/12 March 2022

Links for Extraction: go for local links in London, Barnes:
The BFI Future Film Festival

London Short Film Festival