Monday, 25 November 2019


Salvation S1 E4 The Human Strain (Netflix)
We analyse the opening sequence from SALVATION Episode 1.
In particular, we use the exam technique of dealing with all aspects of mise-en-scene first, then camerawork, then sound and editing. This enables links to be made across the whole extract about how meanings are made.

For mise-en-scene:

  • settings (such as the MIT grad student lab, MIT lecture theatre & technology for Darius's lecture, below; the Pentagon interior)
  • casting choices (such as Harris's strong jaw, Grace's flawless hair)
  • people's clothes & props (such as Liam's bare feet; Jillian's hair; Darius's outfit)
  • lighting (gloomy interior of Liam's early morning lab; sharp lighting of lecture that showcases the glamorous imagery; daylight sunshine on the lawns of the privileged MIT campus; interior lighting of secretive Pentagon offices) 
For editing:
  • the rapid pace of the cuts as Liam rushes from office to lecture
    • Pan around Liam's MIT grad lab
    • wide shot of Darius lording it over an adoring MIT audience; wide shot from behind to show how huge the audience is and how engaged they are
    • point of view shot on Liam's bare feet as he arrives 
    • panting at the lecture
    • close ups on Jillian's smiling face as she makes eye contact with Liam