Thursday 25 November 2021


This material is for Component 2 Media Texts and Contexts - Section B Media Contexts

In your exam, you answer one question on TV drama and the second on the film industry.

It might help you to think about typical exam questions as we cover two further case studies: 

‘Marketing is vital to the success of both established and new media products.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to the media area you have studied?

"How do media institutions target national and local audiences in the media area you have studied?"

Today's case study - Ken Loach films and I, Daniel Blake. Please save your notes in your laptop folder (not on your blog). Next time, we will cover Sorry We Missed You.


We looked at 3D anamorphic billboard design as a new marketing platform. We also discussed making a LinkedIn profile in your future.

3D out-of-home (OOH) billboards, a burgeoning new technology on the high street, has strong implications for how marketers bring their campaigns to life. Hyper-realistic 3D OOH billboards have been stunning passersby on busy streets in China, South Korea, the US, Japan and recently the UK. The creative campaigns blur the lines between technology and reality while showcasing that creativity in advertising really is limitless. Current examples include Amazon Prime’s 3D OOH campaign at Piccadilly Circus.

In them, characters break the fourth wall, interact with IRL environments and blur the lines between content, OOH and experiential like never before.

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