Wednesday 26 January 2022


EXAM ESSAY: Analyse how media institutions are using different platforms to engage with their audiences. Set on Jan 26

Imagine that you have to answer this exam question. You would have to know about a range of films, so this revision makes about a third of an essay. You last worked on this on Friday, 26 November 2021 so it is familiar material.
Look on the class blog under Ken Loach films and use the two case studies 'Sorry We Missed You' and 'I, Daniel Blake'
Upload your answer on Classroom.
This is what you did last time:
  • watch the trailer for Sorry We Missed You twice
  • look carefully at the film website 
  • consider why the website devotes so much space to ‘find the film screening’ and ‘book tickets’ (the right third)
  • analyse the poster (left third) in terms of pull quotes, director power, accolades, subject matter, lighting, colour
  • identify the convergent links on the website (top ribbon)
  • open and read the link about the gig economy  Join The Impact Campaign
  • open and read the link about Aiden Doyle’s paintings
  • decide who the target audiences for Loach films (like this) are
Sorry We Missed You
Film Website HERE (links on blog)
Awards here 
Cannes Film Festival nominee for Palme d'Or
BAFTA nominee Outstanding British film of the year
Exposes a global issue: the vulnerabilities of people exploited in the gig economy
·Review by Peter Bradshaw The Guardian here
·Trailer here and here on IMDB
Interview by Paul Laverty here: " Technology means that every minute of the drivers' life is dictated and monitored... the pressure is relentless. Carers are on zero hours contracts, like Abby in the film... There is massive economic injustice at the heart of our society now."
SWMY Twitter


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