Thursday 10 February 2022


Answer the question below, with detailed reference to specific examples from the extract only.

1   Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs representations using the following:
  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound 
  • Mise-en-scene [50 marks]

Today we put into practice the exam board's advice to start the exam response with a clear outline of how we understand the representations as a whole.

  • we make links across the whole extract
  • we avoid description and aim for analysis
  • we tackle all aspects of media language in each scene (not one by one for the whole extract)
  • we may refer to theorists if relevant and helpful, such as Stuart Hall

Next lesson we cover aspects of other theorists:

  • Stuart Hall - reception theory - how different audiences 'receive' or read texts differently
  • Roland Barthes - denotation and connotation The Rhetoric of the Image
  • Levi-Strauss - binary oppositions 
  • Vladimir Propp - narrative structures
  • Tzvetan Todorov -  equilibrium > disequilibrium > restored but different equilibrium

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