Wednesday 24 March 2021


PREP Deadline Friday 16 April. Complete CCR1: How does your production use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups and issues? Start work on the social groups and issues.

Present this response in a presentation platform like Visme (so that we have a range of technical creativity CCR1 Pinterest & Visme /Canva, CRR2 Slideshare style like Visme, CCR3 Infographic like Piktochart,  CCR4 Prezi)

You have made a Pinterest to gather visual evidence of stereotypes. You should include this but must also write about each group and issue. 

Include your knowledge of Stuart Hall and stereotypes: for Stuart Hall, stereotypes populate media products, and serve to shape the public's views and expectations on issues like gender. Here is what another student wrote about a character in her film: "In Susannah, we offer a young woman who refuses to conform to a social mould, whatever the cost or danger - and our film implies that in the 1960s, such nonconformity came with frightening risks - at least in horror stories."

For the conventions, identify film opening conventions (title, talent, genre, launch the narrative, create the enigma  or hook that will  leave the audience wanting more - 'the Big Question'). 

Relate your comments to your research into Art of The Title. The exam board stress the importance of linking your research to your outcome (your finished product).

HOLIDAY PREPARATION for a Film Industry exam essay on the first lesson back under timed conditions.The full title is Paper 2 Key Media Concepts 9607/23 May/June 20

You will have a choice between these titles:

1. Explain the relationship between ownership and the distribution practices of the media area you have studied. [50]

OR 2. Analyse the techniques used to target different audiences in the media area you have studied. [50]

You will be given credit for your knowledge and understanding, illustrated through case study material, relevant to the question. Assessment will take place across three criteria:

  • explanation / argument / analysis [20 marks]This means answering the question relevantly

  • use of supporting examples [20 marks] This means your case studies

  • use of terminology [10 marks]This means using relevant vocabulary

I have emailed you helpful resources on the essay questions including a model answer on the 'audiences'  essay. If you plan to do the 'distribution' essay, take note of the following paragraph from a recent Chief Examiner's Report on a distribution essay:
Very often, scant true knowledge about distribution was evident, including channels, sales rights, online/theatrical/streaming/rights, territories, transport, festivals, windowing and exclusivities. In many cases, no relevant case study material was evident. It is vital that candidates are prepared to approach  this question with detailed, relevant knowledge of the distribution of the media products in their chosen case study. Whilst marketing is a key area of distribution, candidates should be reminded that they are not synonyms for one another; greater research and focus in current distribution practices, methods and institutions should be considered. 

HOLIDAY PRODUCTION TIME on your film opening with your Production Team: aim to get together to film so that you have completed as much of the shooting as you can, under good light and with time on your side. Remember that you need to have filled in your storyboard and, for each shoot, a call sheet (scroll down) and a shot list for the whole film opening.

CHECK your blogs in the holiday, for instance, pay attention to any email or 'comment' and make improvements.

CHECK your Preliminary Exercises: are there 4 pieces of work?

TODAY silent study to complete or improve CCR1 and CCR2 during the double period.

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