Wednesday 24 February 2021



So far, we have discussed the Press, the film industry and the internet as subject areas for the year 13 exam question on media regulation. You will only have 30 minutes next year within a longer exam for one compulsory regulation question.

Today we look at one video game case study so that those of you who like gaming have the choice of including it.




A bit more about Livingstone and Lunt:

L & L tell us that the global nature of contemporary media production and distribution has weakened the UK's ability to effect meaningful control over media content. Indeed, producers that broadcast their products from outside the UK are largely exempt from the reach of domestic regulatory bodies that oversee content standards. Netflix is one example. Currently, its US-based distribution system means that it is exempt from Ofcom control. 

A similar regulatory challenge is produced by other online media content. For L & L, the Communications Act 2003 has failed to address online material and this combined with the reluctance up until now of the UK government to tackle the issue has prompted widespread dissatisfaction.

Visit the PEGI website to find out the difference between the age ratings. Open the tabs for 18, 16 and 12

The regulation of video games is a sensitive issue and there are regular reports regarding the suitability of the content of video games and the easy accessibility to this content by young people. The wider media usually waste no time linking violent behaviour and lack of sociability of young people to the gaming industry.

How can Albert Bandura’s theory of media effects be applied to the game and its players? 

During the 1960s, Albert Bandura conducted a series of experiments on observational learning, collectively known as the Bobo doll experiments. Two of the experiments are described in this article from Simply Psychology. 

At the end of this article, Bandura's methods of collecting his information (and therefore, of the conclusions drawn) are challenged.

Albert Bandura’s observational theory constitutes that violent behavior is learned through imitating observed behaviors that we notice in our surrounding environment.  Bandura connected our brain activity to instinctual responses to the observed actions surrounding us.

Regulation of AC3: Liberation        Assassin’s Creed 3 Liberation was rated a PEGI 18.

Applying theory & theoretical framework

Which theory is concerned with the relationship between violent media and audiences?

A_____B______- M____E______

What are the main points about this theory?

Video games are an area of the media that is regularly criticised for the assumed effect that over- exposure may have upon young people’s behaviour. Some of this criticism stems from the problem of regulating the industry and ensuring that gamers are only playing games that are suitable for their age.

Why would people be worried about this in relation to video games and the people who play games?

Read the following article in the British Medical Journal 

Can you pick out the main points?


Imagine that you have to write for about 10 minutes on video game regulation in answer to the exam question:

How well does contemporary media regulation protect the public? 

Write your response, using the information above. Upload to Google Classroom.


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