Thursday 28 January 2021


Today and tomorrow you are making a start on your CCR tasks. To keep this orderly, please create 4 PAGES labelled CCR1, CCR2, CCR3, CCR4. Each refers to the bullet points below (look down). Keeping your work in Pages will help you organise as you do each bit by bit, and will enable me to check easily to guide you. After creating the Pages, check each box to make them visible.

Deadline for completion: Thursday 11 February

At the top of each Page, write out the task in full exactly as you see it below.

For example

CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION 3: How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

You will use different platforms to present each but before you get to that stage, you need to think and gather your facts / evidence. We are starting now as it is possible to do a great deal of these tasks before completing the actual filming.

Today, please start with CCR3. There are polished final answers below, but to start with, you will need to gather your evidence. 

You will use an infographic layout for this, like PIKTOCHART. 

When you have written out your wording, then paste it into your chosen infographic layout with the images to illustrate it.

CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION 3: How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

Use PIKTOCHART for this presentation to present the response to:


The order to approach this is chronological ( = what you did first) so the work flow is Preliminary Exercises, Research, Planning, Construction, then Evaluation. We can at the moment cover part way into Construction (as we have done some filming and perhaps a bit of editing). WE will complete this task later but break the back of it now.

The question asks for specific, detailed evidence of what you have learned how to do, using critical reflection in your expression and creativity in your presentation.

Start with your Preliminary Exercises: what did you set out to achieve and how did you show what you had learned? You have 4 separate topics here: the exercise on camera angles & shot types; the 'on the set' post; the continuity exercise; the 'table top' exercise, which was a proper film opening practice complete with live action filming, editing in titles and credits, and laying down a soundtrack.

  • Camerawork (shot types / angles and what they are used to draw attention to, like CUs, ECUs), 
  • using equipment (identify it), bubbling the tripod
  • lighting exercises
  • filming and editing an opening sequence (genre conventions; rostrum shots; adding title; adding credits; selecting soundtrack; adjusting sound levels and adding spot sounds); creating a sense of enigma
  • filming and editing a continuity sequence (establishing shot, two-shot, shot-reverse shot, motivated edit, point of view shot); editing to create pace
RESEARCH What did you learn about the importance of researching genre and audience? How did your planning skills develop? Did you collate work using platforms like Piktochart, Scoopit? Did you create an audience questionnaire and then collate the results?

PLANNING Did you use iMovie to hot-seat characters, with scripts prepared for interviews?

CONTRUCTION When cameraman, what techniques did you use and improve?
When editing, what techniques did you use? Did feedback make you look critically at the sequence order and pace of your editing?

What lighting issues did you encounter when filming? Did you learn to learn to adjust levels when editing?

When recording sound, what challenges did you encounter that you had to solve?

Did you make props using PhotoShop for your production?
Did you make videos or sound files to use in your film?

Did you design a Production Company ident? How did you make it and what new skills did you use? You may have used FinalCut, StopMotion, Giffy.

EVALUATION During the reflective process of your Creative Critical Reflections, what new platforms did you use, such as infographics like Piktochart, slide presentations like Slideshare, Visme, Canva?

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