Friday 26 January 2018


The deadline for your Production module is Thursday 1st March.
Checklist to remind you is below.
If you want to see what last year's cohort did (and the previous five years) look at good candidates from our school here HERE

Be sure to have completed your SHOT LIST
Evidence of LOCATION RECCES (if you did them)
Pinterest, ScoopIt or other collage / board on which you collected 'character types' or 'stereotypes'
collages of visuals such as practice shoots
Making of props
Accounts of filmwork that has inspired you and that you plan to use yourself (with visual illustration)

Your accounts of filming and editing with visual illustration. Aim to be analytical, not descriptive. These are not letters home. 

YOU MUST WRITE ABOUT WHAT YOU YOURSELF DID: "I took responsibility for being director / I was the cameraman during this scene." 
You get no marks for acting itself (but may well comment on how you directed the scene in which you also appeared).
  • How is meaning made by camerawork (camera angle, camera movement, shot types), by sound, by editing and by mise-en-scène? (mise-en-scène includes location, costume, props, lighting)
  • What production skills did you develop during this shoot and edit? Were there challenges (such as relating to sound)?
  • What technologies did you use?  
  • How are your production companyTwitter, FB posts? 
  • Is your IDENT finished?
  • Have you written a post that lists the FILM CREDITS that you plan to use, such as the actors' names, film title etc?
  • Have you ready the black screen with white script that gives your centre number, your names and numbers? Look at last year's cohort (the link is above).  
  • Have you put your candidate number on your blog next to your name? 
  • Is your blog easy to read and do all the technologies open easily for the moderator? Spell checked? Used colour to make key terms pop? Exam work, that is not relevant to the moderator) is on a 'page' at the top, not on the main blogroll?
  • Have you always used RESEARCH, PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION to indicate the flow of production?

You need to use time out of class to complete the above as we need February to devote to the four-part CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION which I will start with you in class.

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