Friday 10 November 2017


Getting to know our case studies:


  • Our case study is Disney one of The Big Six.
  • Disney is a good example of the 'megafranchize' model.
  • The Big Six Hollywood studios chase mass mainstream audiences often with formulaic films that Linden Dalecki (2008) calls 'the 4S megafranchise model' synergy, story, spectacle, sequalization: Hollywood is renowned for producing blockbusters with strong narratives, often part of a sequel, usually with larger than life characters, using exciting, complex sets often in exotic or extravagant locations. 
  • Disney operates the horizontal distribution model.
    Distributors target audiences via an interconnected web of companies which all promote the film as a package of products. This is synergy (Give as many details as possible from  Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  • and our Case study Avengers and perhaps from Disney's Frozen).
  • Cinema audiences engage with characters and stories (generally more so, today, than ‘stars’), so properties, especially those with the potential to develop as franchises, are all-important. Most of 2016's top releases were part of pre-existing franchises or familiar media properties. 

  • The Film Distributors' Association 2017 handbook lists Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) as the no. 1 box office success of 2016. Learn the facts about its successful production and distribution.
  • Did you see the film? Identify why you would choose to see the film at the cinema (not online). 

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