Friday 13 October 2017


Over half term, you will work on part of your answer to question 2 of your 'creative critical reflection': How would your project be distributed as a real media text?

Our approach:
  • explain what distributors do, giving the sources of our knowledge and expert witnesses
  • screenshots and links from the FDA (Film Distributors' Association), as evidence that we have studied The Role of the Distributor on the FDA microsite www.launching
  • you enrol now on the Open University MOOC course The Business of Film and you do week 3. It is available from 16 October but please enrol now.
  • We went through the sessions, lectures and charts briefly in class. You know that you have to listen, learn, make notes, take screenshots and note the names of the professionals who present to you.
  • Post it all on the class blog on your home page.
  • By Monday after halt term, please.

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