Monday 18 September 2017


Several slides:
  • First slide has the screenshot from The Art of The Title
  • Introduction : the overview with your first impressions, such as how genre / period is signalled
  • Narrative: characters and plot - how is the audience drawn in?
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Credits
  • Editing / pace / transitions
  • Sound 

PREP: Three tasks by next Monday, please. You can use the class blog and those of previous students for guidance.

  1. Complete first analysis of a film opening, with illustration, using The Art of the Title site. Try Gone Girl or Boardwalk Empire or Nerve
  2. On PowerPoint, complete Ist analysis of a film opening, with illustration, using The Art of the Title site. Sign up for SlideShare and upload your 2nd analysis to your blog.
  3. Create Twitter account and 'follow' relevant media people like Pete Fraser (pete'smediablog), MediaMagazine, Julian McDougall, Learnaboutfilm, OCR Media and Film, Casey Neistat, Film School Shorts, Future Shorts, Disney, Warner Bros, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, MGM, British Council Film, NationalFilmTVSchool, Sony, Edusites, ScreenInternational, Film London and so on...
NEXT PREPS: (in case you wish to get ahead) Ensure that you have posted them on your blog.
set Monday (for Tuesday): Complete classwork above
set Wednesday (for Thursday): Find out how to use Emaze and complete 4th analysis of a film opening, with illustration, using The Art of the Title site
set Friday (for following Monday): Now that you have researched how film opening sequences work, you can summarize your knowledge of this genre's codes and conventions. You sign up for Piktochart and organize your learning about film openings into a Piktochart. Title: Film Openings Codes & Conventions.

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