Friday 11 December 2020


Use CELTX to present your script. It will look professional. Write a post with your script entitled CONSTRUCTION: SCRIPTWRITING. It will look something like this:

Wednesday 9 December 2020


We read an article about the current state of cinema.

Main points:

  • films including the new Bond, Top Gun: Maverick, and A Quiet Place Part II had their releases delayed; when one of the few blockbusters to get a cinema release this year, Christopher Nolan’s Tenet, did not set the box office alight.
  • Cineworld, Britain’s biggest cinema chain, closed its screens until further notice
  • Warner Bros announced last week that all its films, including Dune and The Matrix 4, would be shown on its HBO Max streaming service next year.
  • Warner's move echoes Disney’s decision to release the live-action remake of Mulan and Pixar’s Soul on its streaming platform rather than in cinemas, and it challenges the convention that cinemas get a “window” — usually about three months — between a film arriving on screens and its release to television. 
  • Warner Bros itself insisted that the switch was only temporary and that after a month of streaming the films would show only in cinemas. As Christopher Nolan has pointed out, it seems mainly to be a short-term marketing effort to draw attention to its new streaming service, HBO Max.
  • Netflix spent a reported $17.3 billion this year alone on original content — and it does not seem to have hit box office numbers.
  • 2018 was a record-breaking year for British cinema with more than 177 million ticket sales, and 2019 matched it. Two thirds of the population visited the cinema at some point last year and 45 per cent did so more than once a month (Mintel)
  • Cinema performs an important role in terms of helping the public to filter films. Some analysts predict that streaming will herald a return to a version of the old studio system, where brands such as Disney, Netflix, and HBO Max will guide the public towards certain kinds of films.
  • TV, VHS and illegal online downloading were all said to mean the end of cinema, but in the end all these things drove further interest in movies, educating successive generations of film-lovers, who then attended cinemas. 

Friday 4 December 2020


Write a post entitled PLANNING: CASTING

CASTING Note Examiner's report here Examples below and here in Piktocharthere in Slideshare

In your post, first draw a portrait (write / describe) of each character in your production. Then, underneath each of these, describe your casting decisions. Consider what presentational platform to use: Visme, Canva, SlideShare?

The recent release of the Examiner's Report threw up useful points, such as the good practice of including a post on casting. See their comment (in yellow) below beside an example from a student blog. You will present the casting with images, such as your casting of the character (and perhaps a stereotype character from a film?).


When you have completed your post on your Treatment and worked out your storyboard, the next step is to create a shot list, then call sheets for each shoot. (Info on call sheets below this.) 

shot list helps you organize the order of your edit, so that you think of the whole narrative arc. 
Start a draft version. It may change during the edit. 
This is a group task so work together on one Word document. Some people find a collaborative document like Google Docs useful so that you can all access the same document.
Below is an example, made in Word, for the start of a 30 second TV commercial (open link) made for Young Enterprise.

Look at each line from left to right across. The first box SOUND: LOVE HOME BAKING? describes what we hear (such as dialogue, music), the second box VISION is what we see at the same time (live action), the third box ACTORS notes the actors needed, then look to the right for the props PROPS.

Then drop down to read the next shot. 

Thursday 3 December 2020


 You could try sites like BenSound


 As the rains have come, it is not possible to film outside, but you can film in the media studio if you wish, or the drama area if you have booked this with the HOD drama.

Otherwise, please work on your blog posts such as your planning and construction posts.

Here is a checklist.


You can shoot your film opening on different occasions. Storyboard each shoot first. The method below uses movable Post-it notes so that you can re-arrange the order later and also so that different members of the group can take responsibility for different parts of the storyboard.

We consult the OCR AL Conference Weebly 2014 to see how Steve Thorne recommended approaching the business of creating a storyboard.

As you draw your storyboard, which is on paper with yellow PostIt notes, you save them in your group's folder in the classroom. The folder STAYS in the classroom so that it is safe and everyone can access it.